2017 | part of The New Old Cycle


brut Wien/ June 7 – 14, 2017

  • Home of the Not so Brave
  • Home of the Not so Brave
  • Home of the Not so Brave
  • Home of the Not so Brave
  • Home of the Not so Brave
  • Home of the Not so Brave
  • Home of the Not so Brave
  • Home of the Not so Brave
  • Home of the Not so Brave
  • Home of the Not so Brave

2017 | part of The New Old Cycle


brut Wien/ June 7 – 14, 2017

  • Home of the Not so Brave
  • Home of the Not so Brave
  • Home of the Not so Brave
  • Home of the Not so Brave
  • Home of the Not so Brave
  • Home of the Not so Brave
  • Home of the Not so Brave
  • Home of the Not so Brave
  • Home of the Not so Brave
  • Home of the Not so Brave

Stories from apartment number 12


Imagine an apartment on the third floor, number 12, 98 m2. In 1970 a lesbian couple occupies the apartment. The couple lives in secret, it’s 1970 Vienna and the city is fairly conservative and not yet ready for same-sex couples. We move to 1990. The apartment is rented to a psychoanalyst who runs a successful practice. A chance encounter with one of the building’s residents leads to a therapy session. The resident is a woman in her late thirties and she talks to the analyst about her marital difficulties. We jump to 2016. A man in his early forties rents the place. He hires a call girl and asks her to dress like the character Princess Leia from the film Star Wars. A conversation starts when she arrives at his apartment.


In between the different scenarios/stories the apartment’s decor changes according to the specific style of the given time, and a narrator gives the viewers the historical context of the period presented in the scene.

Performers: Susanne Gschwendtner, Anna Mendelssohn, Markus Zett, Isabella Händler
Voice Over: Howard Nightingall
Trumpet: Alexander Kranabetter
Music + Video: Michael Strohmann
Set: Paul Horn
Written and directed by Yosi Wanunu
Produced by Kornelia Kilga

Co-produced by brut Wien/ June 7 – 14, 2017
