The script of the hero’s legend is predetermined in its main feature. The hero’s origins are modest. She emerges from anonymity as an exemplary loner. Her fame is linked to her courage, her honesty, and her solidarity. She proves herself in desperate situations when she’s pursued and in exile. Again and again, she escapes; where others fall, she seems to be bulletproof. Yet, it is only with her death that she ultimately becomes what she is. There is always an element of mystery about her death. It can only be explained by betrayal.
The effect of the hero’s end is not only a warning but also an obligation. It is only then that the legend crystallizes. Her funeral turns into a demonstration. Streets are named after her. Her picture appears on walls or banners; it becomes a talisman. The victory of her cause leads to canonization, which, as always, means misuse and betrayal. Her disappearance saved her from this fate. She will always be remembered as a proletarian hero. She is part of the anti-history not written in the school’s textbooks.

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  • History is not at all a tale of progress. Instead, we lurch from one form of class society, one kind of oppression and exploitation, to another. Or, as Marx put it, history progresses by its wrong side. The class struggle is essentially a struggle over the surplus and, as such, is likely to continue as long as there is no sufficiency for all. Only with capitalism can enough surplus be generated, but only with socialism can this surplus be distributed fairly.
  • I think that sometimes we complicate things. The socialist left should put out a clear agenda. We favor social policies that are inclusive and caring, universal health care, well-founded public schools, a basic high minimum income, rights for migrants…
  • We have to realize that no one is coming to save us but us, and we should take whatever action we can leverage through our cooperation, organization, and solidarity. Action! Action!Action!
  • We must regulate tech companies, break them up, and treat them as public utilities. The same is true for Big Pharma; lifesaving treatments and medicines shouldn’t be run for profit.
  • It’s time to replace the socialism of fools with the socialism of facts

(Costumes tryout)

Maybe somebody who doesn’t look like you, maybe somebody who might be of a different religion than you, maybe they come from a different country… My question now to you is, are you willing to fight for that person who you don’t even know as much as you are willing to fight for yourself? Would you fight for the rights of people who haven’t been born yet to live a life safe from economic and climate breakdown?
